Friday, March 5, 2010

Germany Update.

Good news! The research team went through the money at our meeting today and calculated how much we would each have to contribute to the Germany trip considering different factors. This is what we have discovered: If we stay in a hostel, we save almost a hundred bucks. If we stay in the conference hotel or in one of the nearby hotels, we'll need to pay between $100 and $300, depending. So, two team members and I are opting for a hostel, while the other 4 team members are opting for a hotel. Whatev. If I'm spending time in Germany, I'm totally having the full American-20-something experience. So, the plan, still developing:
Day 1: Fly to Germany.
Day 2: Arrive in Germany; take train from Frankfurt to Giessen; register at conference.
Days 3-6: Conference in Giessen.
Day 7: Post-conference trip to Marburg.
Day 8: Train back to Frankfurt, flight to Spain to meet Niece.
Days 9-?: Hang out in Spain.
Days ?-?: Short jaunt to Paris, perhaps? Photos with le tour Eiffel?
Day ?: Back to Frankfurt, flight home.

Once again, I find out next week if I'll be going to India for half of the summer. If so, I'll leave for that program about a week after coming home from this trip. Sweet. :D

Fingers still crossed on NU, TFA, and India. Here's hoping!

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